A national logistics company


The Challenge: Name a logistics provider known for dependability

Some industries are known for certain attributes and trucking is one of them. For customers looking to ship freight, they want basic assurances, e.g. safety, affordability, and dependability. Most are looking for a reputation over rocket science. This is why fit-to-concept is so important when it comes to naming and branding a business.

The "Ah-ha" Moment: Develop a brand name that delivers a big promise

Reliage goes right to the core concept of what drives this business. It’s all about competency and dependability. In the split seconds it takes to make a decision, this name stands out as being a reliable source for trusted transportation. And the “age” suffix provides an “ish-ness” to the name with associations such as “package,” “storage,” “mileage,” “brokerage,” and “advantage.” It could also underscore how reliable, dependable service has “come of age.” These intuitive mash-up names can work well if constructed in alignment with a company’s core attributes. This project succeeded on that front and delivered on all the deliverables.

Reliage Case Study Small Image

Scope of Work

Name Development

Tagline Development

Visual Identity Development

Domain Name Acquisition

AO Smith

A family of product names for the oldest name in the business

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A New Breed of Moving & Storage

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A rebrand that points in the right direction

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