A New Breed of Moving & Storage

Red Rover

The Challenge: Brand an innovative moving & storage concept

When Peter Warhust, the creator of PODS, came to use looking for a brand new name for a brand new concept in moving and storage he asked for just one idea. Having named PODS, he looked to us to invent another name that captured the essence of his idea centered on retrievable storage.

The "Ah-ha" Moment: Red Rover... a brand name that contains a big idea

The key to defining a new brand is to first define the brand language. If you can get consumers to say your name, it’s half the battle. In this case, Red Rover works on multiple levels. On the surface, it’s a fun and memorable name, with associations to the kid’s game of calling everyone to come on over. It also provides a brand color (red) and a sense of functionality (a rover). And it lends itself to a mascot, aka man’s best friend. This underscores the brand’s traits of devotion, faithfulness, customer loyalty, etc.

To top it off, the name Red Rover enables the differentiator or “phrase that pays” by defining the new concept as Fetchable StorageTM. The name demonstrates that crucial interplay between brand name, tag line, color, mascot, and brand languaging. Only a select few names enable tiered messaging that is inception level deep and Red Rover is one of them.

Red Rover Case Study Small Image

Scope of Work

Name Development

Tagline Development

Visual Identity Development

Domain Name Acquisition


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