A healthcare technology solutions provider
The Challenge: Rebrand a medical information platform
With the generic holding name of NewTech, this client needed a brand that spoke to their ability to align, define, and deliver results. As a market leader in technology for Pharmacies, PBMs, and Long Term Care, their solutions simplify and streamline operations, from prescription claims processing to 340B compliance and clinical workflow. Their name needed to reflect their precise skills and capabilities.
The "Ah-ha" Moment: Cervey... taking a wider view
Cervey’s experts employ a consultative methodology to understand their clients’ unique challenges, then customize a software offering that both meets their specific needs. This big picture type of thinking helped to inform our naming process, capturing the essence of a long-range perspective, and detailed planning. The synonymous sound of survey also lends itself to a reputable and credible brand name, in the tradition of the former Cingular, Lyft, Flickr, and Publix.

Scope of Work
Name Development
Tagline Development
Extensive Trademark Research
Domain Name Acquisition