An intelligent rebrand for an IT platform
The Challenge: Elevating a brand name from utilitarian to enlightened
This client had a functional, “tool-ish” sounding name for their company/IT platform — TestCraft. While they provided the ability to conduct tests online, the name reduced them to a commodity and did not reflect their ability to capture, analyze, and produce true insight. Their goal was to provide true wisdom vs. dry data.
The "Ah-ha" Moment: The Power to Know Better
As we drilled down, we hit on the idea of an element, a new ingredient in the periodic table that was needed to produce this type of insight and clarity. The result was Brillium. The name paired naturally and intuitively with the tagline “The Power to Know Better.”

Scope of Work
Rebrand Strategy
Name Development
Tagline Development
Domain Name Acquisition
Make Some Noise
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