Who are you really?
For companies with established, legacy brands, the need for rebranding centers more on messaging than on naming. It comes down to focus. Your company may have grown substantially, made new acquisitions, added new product lines, or expanded your service offerings. Amidst the activity, the “tip of the spear” became dull. Your company's "pivot point" needs sharpening.
If you have asked any of the following questions, chances are you need a brand clarification strategy:
- What are we at our core? What is our essential reason for being?
- Are we occupying a unique position in our market?
- Do we need an internal and external communications strategy?
- Does our brand voice speak to our desired audience?
- Does our brand architecture make sense?
- If we add a product to our existing portfolio, what do we name it?
- Do we have rules in place for product portfolio expansion?
“Just as there is a need for clarity in identity, there is a need for clarity in purpose.”
Defining a company’s reason for being, its core value proposition, drives our brand strategy work. Just as there is a need for clarity in identity, there is a need for clarity in purpose. Defining, prioritizing, and highlighting a company’s key attributes can focus and motivate the entire organization. Finding the right position, messaging, or architecture is pivotal in establishing a clear and brilliant brand.
What we'll deliver
Positioning Discovery
Verbal Strategy Development
Tagline Creation
Descriptor Phrase
Brand Story
Positioning Statement
Brand Lexicon
Elevator Pitch
Marketing Slogans
Brand Architecture Audit
Brand Architecture Consolidation
Brand Architecture Creation
Brand Architecture Guidelines
Discover your position
How do you do what you do? If others do what you do, how do you do it differently? Or better? Or faster? Or smarter? Determining your company's unique strengths will simplify, streamline, and highlight your brand's messaging.
Find the missing piece
Our brand positioning services will sort out the various messaging components in your company. After identifying your position, we'll carefully review, synthesize, and prioritize your messaging into one cohesive communication strategy. Our process helps you examine your "what," your "how" and your "why" to better reflect your core capabilities. You can then consistently perform in a way that's on point and on-brand.
Here's what's included in our brand positioning and messaging services:
- Identification of company brand attributes
- Discussion of unique selling proposition or “pivot point”
- Analysis of competitive positioning in the industry
- Definition of available white space for maximum differentiation
- Creation of three to four brand “positionings” based on inputs

Build your brand architecture
Company product and service names often spring out of organic growth and natural expansion. But just like plants, this growth can quickly spiral out of control. Product and service names need tending and hedging. It’s easy for your brand architecture to become convoluted with numbers, hyphens, acronyms, alphanumerics, and the like. What was once a well-tended hedge becomes a product overgrown and tangled mess.
That’s when you need help from brand clarity experts
Our team of brand strategists will work to identify, simplify, and streamline your current brand hierarchy. Auditing your current brand architecture or product portfolio allows us to make recommendations that will help you and your customers make sense of your brand and product lines.
Here are a few of the naming strategies we provide:
- Organizing, synthesizing, and streamlining current brand names
- Creating a cohesive parent brand/sub-brand naming strategy
- Developing a “Good, Better, Best” naming hierarchy that complements your brands
- Retrofitting or “reverse engineering” product brand names into a cohesive brand family
- Creating “rules” for the systematic naming of all product brand names going forward